Winter 2013 З Д А Н И Я В Ы С О К И Х Т Е Х Н О Л О Г И Й
9. «Siemens» Office in Moscow (LEED
CI). The first building in Russia cer-
tified to LEED’s «Commercial Interi-
ors – CI».
10. FREEDOM house in the Moscow
region. This detached residential pi-
lot building consists of many pre-
fabricated parts. The project makes
widespread use of innovative tech-
nologies and materials. The «DIY»
building has guidelines for erection
by non-professional builders. It is
made from lightweight prefabricat-
ed frames, fixtures and other individ-
ual modules – with extensive use of
straw bales as insulation blocks. The
project is implemented within the
framework of a broad partnership
of various companies.
11. The Fisht Olympic Stadium
(BREEAM Bespoke). Innovative roof-
ing material from ETFE is to be in-
stalled using Vector Foiltec technolo-
gy – for the first time in Russia.
12. Passive house in South Butovo (Pas-
sive House). The project widely used
materials and solutions by the leading
chemical company – BASF.
13. The «Triumph Park» residential
complex in St. Petersburg (BREEAM
Bespoke). Russia’s first residen-
tial complex certified according to
14. «Russian Seasons Hotel» in Sochi (to
the green standards system of volun-
tary certification by the Ministry of Nat-
ural Resources). Innovations included –
the use of a green roof as well as the
large-scale deployment of integrated
PV panels in the façade and roof.
15. Resource-and energy-efficient
country residence in Voronezh. The
building incorporates wide-spread
use of materials and technologies,
many supplied by Bayer companies;
Examples of green technologies
and activities, most applicable
and interesting to Russian
projects for now and the nearest
Appropriate solutions for building en-
velopes, including thermal insulation.
Technologies for heating and cooling.
LED lighting.
Mechanical ventilation with heat re-
Energy efficient elevators and escalators.
Autonomous external lighting systems.
SHW systems.
PV systems.
Vertical wind turbines.
Air and ground-sourced heat pumps.
Pellet-based heating systems.
Natural daylight up to 80% of the of-
fice space (windows, panoramic win-
dows, optical fibres, etc., mathemati-
cal modelling, lighting).
Shading structures on the facade.
Infrared presence sensors.
Meters for water consumption (sen-
sors with pulse input).
Increased use of BMS.
Conducting technical audits of build-
ing systems.
Mathematical modelling as a guaran-
tor of energy efficiency and comfort
for the internal environment.
Water saving plumbing fixtures.
Materials and Furniture from wood
certified by FSC.
Decoration and building materials
used for the outer shell and interior
with environmental labelling.
Re-use of treated water for irrigation
and flushing.
Green roofing.
Indoor greenery, including green walls.
Management of household waste
(separate collection and send for pro-
Transport planning: public transport,
social infrastructure, and other as-
pects of transport accessibility.
Accessibility for people with limited
The availability of infrastructure for
the use of bicycles.
Prevention of pollution from con-
struction activities.
Hamilton Standard – Nauka in Kimry (LEED Silver)
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