As part of the certification pro-
cess in Sochi there are some innova-
tive technologies and solutions ap-
plied – important for Russia’s green
building industry development:
The broad and extensive use of
photovoltaic cells (PV panels) to
generate electricity.
The broad and extensive use of so-
lar hot water systems (SHW).
The use of high quality energy-effi-
cient materials in construction (fit-
out, glass and external surfaces).
The use of high-quality and effi-
cient engineering equipment for
Implementing of innovative con-
struction technologies that save
time, money and reduce the over-
all impact on the environment.
The conservation and restoration
of biodiversity in areas of construc-
The creation of cycle parking, paths
and infrastructure.
Pilot charging points for electric ve-
hicles (EV) some from renewable
energy sources.
The partial use of both vertical and
horizontal landscaping on buildings
(green roofs and walls).
The widespread use of LED lighting.
Energy modelling at project design
stage, which calculates project ef-
ficiency and helps to find opti-
mal solutions and implementation
The use of FSC-certified wood.
Other green buildings in
In addition to the buildings that are
certified by green standards there
are a number of objectively green
and innovative buildings that de-
serve special attention and recogni-
tion because they demonstrate inno-
vation in terms of ecology, economy,
energy and resource efficiency as
well as other aspects of the green
Winter 2013 З Д А Н И Я В Ы С О К И Х Т Е Х Н О Л О Г И Й
Siemens office in Moscow (LEED Gold)
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