Winter 2013 З Д А Н И Я В Ы С О К И Х Т Е Х Н О Л О Г И Й
An Overview on Russian National
Green Building Standards
GOST R 54964–2012
GOST R 54964–2012 is a conformi-
ty assessment method, environmen-
tal requirements to a property. The
system is jointly developed by «Cen-
tre for Environmental Certifications –
green standards» (supported by the
Ministry of Nature Resource of Rus-
sia), the «National Association of
Builders – NOSTROY» and
(Association of Engineers for Heat-
ing Ventilation and Air Conditioning).
The standard was approved in 2012 as
a voluntary state standard, which will
start to be operated in 2013. GOST
R 54964–2012 is based on the Rus-
sian building regulations (GOST and
SNiP) with a strong influence from
the BREEAM and LEED benchmarking
STO NOSTROY 2.35.4–2011
STO NOSTROY 2.35.69–2012
The standard STO NOSTROY 2.35.4–
2011 was jointly created by ABOK, JSC
Central Scientific Research Institute
of Industrial Buildings and Scientific
Production Association TERMEK.
The standard was released in
2011 with support of National Asso-
ciation of Builders – NOSTROY. The
standard complies with  internation-
al standards ISO, taking into account
the national construction and sanitary
norms, regulations and guidance doc-
uments. The standard is influenced
(France). It:
defines the principles, categories,
evaluation criteria, sustainability indi-
cators of habitat, as well as weighting
for ratings for buildings;
provide a framework of basic indica-
tors, which, when necessary are cor-
rected or supplemented by coeffi-
cient parameters to reflect regional
or local climate, energy, economic,
social and even bespoke features;
establishes classes of sustainabili-
ty for the built environment, includ-
ing renovated residential and pub-
lic buildings, for both the building
and project documentation. The
benchmarking system for «sustain-
able habitat» included in the stand-
ard STO NOSTROY 2.35.4–2011 in-
cludes basic values of the criteria
and their equivalents, roughly cor-
responding to the conditions of the
Moscow region. As Russia’s regions
significantly differ by climatic diver-
sity, resource potential (water and
energy) and the potential for gen-
erating renewable power, there is
an obvious need for a regional per-
spective in any rating tool. For such
Business centre «Japan House» in Moscow (BreEam In-Use Good)
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