(RICS) in March 2012, entitled Sup-
ply, Demand and the Value of Green
Buildings, provides empirical evi-
dence of the value of BREEAM certi-
fied buildings. The study used a sam-
ple of office buildings in London,
using data from transactions over
the 2000–2009 period and found
that these buildings achieved a pre-
mium on transaction prices and on
Looking ahead
By its very nature sustainability is all
encompassing – not limited to any
particular sets of products, buildings
or issues. Our assessment and cer-
tification systems must be widened
accordingly if the momentum for
greater sustainability in the built en-
vironment is to be maintained.
BREEAM has already been expand-
ed from a scheme able to assess office
buildings, to one that can be used on
almost any type of building in any lo-
cation. The range of issues addressed
by the Scheme has also grown, but
many more environmental, social and
economic aspects need to be consid-
ered. The challenge is to broaden the
Scheme without increasing its com-
plexity – expansion must go hand-in
hand with efforts to make BREEAM
more accessible and transparent. The
support and feedback from the indus-
try that we have enjoyed to date will
be vital in this process.
The eventual goal is to make sus-
tainability mainstream and routine –
involving everybody. We will need
to link tools such as BREEAM to BIM
and a wide range of other databases
to allow sustainability information to
be quickly and easily accessed.
The work that the BREEAM team in
the UK and the network of National
Scheme Operators that are connect-
ing together worldwide is working to
make a real difference on this agenda.
An agenda that is changing, but also
exciting and rewarding to ensure the
links not only between Environmental,
Economic and social success, but also
the quality of our build environment.
Michael Schmidt,
Prof. Dr.-Ing.,
The building industry and as part of
that the building services systems in-
dustry are facing huge tasks. We all
together have to provide energetical-
ly, ecologically and economically sus-
tainable buildings in the future. This
does not only apply to new buildings
but to all existing buildings as well,
which have to be refurbished.
To share the knowledge about solu-
tions for that on an international lev-
el is always very desirable. It is one of
the approaches to get the necessary
pace into the development.
We in REHVA therefore very much
welcome the new journal and we
wish it all success in the future.
Michele Vio,
We are very pleased to hear about
the new magazine published by ABOK
As you know, the aim of AiCARR is
to develop and disseminate the cul-
ture of sustainable comfort, so we’re
very happy to welcome partner As-
sociations who are passionately in-
volved in improving and spreading
technical and scientific culture in
their country.
We wish you great success and re-
ally look forward to a fruitful cooper-
ation in the future.
Uwe Franzke,
Prof. Dr.-Ing., Vorsit­-
rüstung des
Nachhaltigkeit in der
Nachhaltige Gebäude und deren Ge-
bäudetechnik sind wichtige Zukunft-
sthemen, denen wir uns heute im In-
teresse der nächsten Generationen
stellen müssen. Der Ressourcenver-
brauch bei der Errichtung und dem
Betrieb von Gebäuden muss deutlich
gesenkt werden. Diese Themen
liegen dem VDI und insbesondere der
VDI-Gesellschaft Bauen und Gebäu-
detechnik besonders am Herzen. Im
Rahmen der VDI-Richtlinie VDI 6028
Blatt 1.1 arbeiten die ehrenamtlichen
Mitglieder des VDI an den Steckbrie-
fen für die Zertifizierung von Gebäu-
den und damit direkt an Nachhaltig-
keitskriterien von Gebäuden mit. In
dieser Richtlinie geht es insbeson-
dere um die Themen Anpassungs-
fähigkeit, Sicherheit und Ausstat-
Bei der Diskussion um Nachhaltig-
keit darf die Nutzungsqualität nicht
außer Acht gelassen werden. Dies
betrifft sowohl die thermischen als
auch die hygienischen Parameter.
Der VDI hat im Rahmen der VDI 6022
eine spezielle Weiterbildung zum
VDI-geprüften Fachingenieur Raum-
luftqualität am Markt etabliert, um
die dauerhafte und zuverlässige Ein-
haltung der raumlufttechnischen Hy-
giene in Gebäuden sicherstellen zu
Die VDI-Gesellschaft Bauen und
Gebäudetechnik möchte die Gelegen-
heit nutzen, dem neu herausgege-
benen Fachmagazin «Sustainable
Building Technologies» und den Mit-
gliedern vo
viel Erfolg bei der
weiteren Entwicklung des Nachhaltig-
keitsgedankens in der Gebäudetech-
nik zu wünschen.
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