Winter 2013 З Д А Н И Я В Ы С О К И Х Т Е Х Н О Л О Г И Й
There are certain barriers to the ap-
plication of high technologies in con-
struction due to the insufficient infor-
mation and lack of national legal and
regulation documents meeting Euro-
pean standards. The solution of finan-
cial problems while attracting invest-
ments from the government, individual
organizations and interested persons
also is of great significance. I believe
that our collaboration will help way-
out of barriers to Green Building.
always was an excellent ex-
ample for us and our colleagues from
is one of the founders of
«Gunesh» SMA and International Eco-
energy Academy (IEA), who greatly
contributed to the development of IEA.
Using the available scientific-techni-
cal basis
is organizing conferenc-
es and education courses, developing
standards and regulating documents,
publishing scientific and scientific-
technical journals and books, organ-
izing webinars popular among spesi-
alists. Significant efforts have done
by Prof. Yu. Tabunshikov and M. Bro-
dach to develop Green Building indus-
try. I am confident that the new elec-
gent international requirements, and
will promote construction engineering
not only in Russia, and also in Caucasus
and Central Asia republics.
We are looking forward to electron-
I wish you all successes on behalf of
IEA members.
Rob Watson,
Chief Scien­tist EcoTech
International Founder,
Green Building
Rating System
zine from
The introduction of
SBT, is very timely and heralds the in-
creasing sophistication and profes-
sionalization of the green building
profession in Russia. The magazine
offers green building technology and
design information by professionals,
for professionals – even the e-format
is green!
The construction and operation of
buildings causes more environmen-
tal damage than any other human
activity. Buildings are directly and
indirectly responsible for approxi-
mately 50 percent of global energy
consumption and use the vast ma-
jority of the world’s drinking water.
[NOTE: this is distinct from ‘fresh’
water. Buildings embody more raw
materials than any other activity and
each year thousands of square kilo-
metres of green land are developed
from wilderness and agriculture. Fi-
nally, people are beginning to spend
more time indoors than outside,
which means that providing healthy
indoor environments is more impor-
tant than ever to prevent sickness
and disease.
Over the last 20 years, so-called
«green» or «sustainable» design in-
creasingly has been at the forefront
of the global construction industry.
Green standards, such as Zelyionye
Standarty, LEED, BREEAM and na-
tional green standards are regularly
specified by the world’s leading or-
ganizations and companies for their
local and global real estate portfoli-
os. Indeed, in most major urban ar-
eas worldwide, green certification
is a prerequisite for Class A desig-
Market and academic studies show
that green buildings result in high-
er income and higher asset values for
building owners and higher satisfac-
tion levels for the tenants.
The topic offerings of SBT are very
comprehensive ranging from shar-
ing best practices in design and engi-
neering for energy efficiency and re-
newables, to spreading knowledge
about the superior economics of sus-
tainably designed buildings and their
social benefits.
Because of its broad reach to over
70,000 top professional readers, I ex-
pect that it will be an audience that
the e-magazine will appeal to many
companies providing environmental
products and services. I know I will
look forward to its publication each
Werner Sobek,
Founder of the Werner
Sobek Group, Professor
at the University of
Stuttgart and at the IIT
Chicago Vice-President
It is with great pleasure that I write
this preface for the first edition of
cause sustainability is a crucial part
of my work and of my thinking, but
also because of the close links that
tie me to Russia and the many good
friends I have there. In my office in
Moscow as well as during many pro-
ject meetings all over the country I
have had a good chance to see the
progress that Russia has achieved
with regard to the improvement of
energy efficiency, the consumption
of resources, user comfort etc. All
this is very encouraging and helps to
make our homes, our offices, our in-
frastructure, and our cities a bet-
ter place – both for ourselves and for
the generations that are to come af-
ter us.
However: The task is far from com-
pleted. Both as a professor and as a
designer and engineer I have worked
myself for many years on the ques-
tion of how we can design, build,
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