Architects, engineers, suppliers,
contractors and operators share the
single goal of creating built environ-
ments that are environmentally sus-
tainable. The path to reaching that
goal passes through all countries
where building professionals strive for
Guy Eames,
Growing a Green Building
Industry – together
I would like to than
nd Marian-
na Brodach in particular for the launch
It’s wonderful to see a new industry de-
veloping in Russia, one which has the
potential to improve the lives of millions
and bring Russian living standards up to
those in Europe. The multi-billion dollar
«Green Building» Industry worldwide
represents the most progressive and
perspective section of the construc-
tion sector – a new multi-disciplinary
approach to how to construct, manage
and even demolish buildings.
I look forward to reading future is-
members of the Green Building Council
Russia, of which ABOK is a founder, with
the 50–70,000 specialists readership.
Rashid Ismailov,
I am pleased to welcome readers so
Today we are seeing a growing in-
terest in Green Building. Indeed it is
fashionable to work in green office
to live in a healthy environment. In
Russia now we have an influx of new
best accessible technologies active-
ly developed green technologies and
materials. We observe disseminat-
ing knowledge in our country. Mar-
ket participants are beginning to look
closely to the benefits of green con-
struction. Investors realize the eco-
nomic benefits of green building. The
first objects in our country are in the
process of environmental certifica-
tion. I am sure that readers will be
able to find a lot of useful information
on pages of the new e-magazine.
Now an expert community is
consolidating successfully. Exam-
ple – Russia’s first national stand-
ard for environmentally friend-
ly construction – National Standard
GOST R 54964–2012 «Conformity as-
sessment. Environmental require-
ments for real estate» which was
developed based on the system of
voluntary certification of real estate –
«Green Standards» and which is start-
ing to work from 1 March 2013. The
new e-magazine is also an effective
tool for the consolidation of the in-
dustry experts.
Creating the national standard
GOST R 54694–2012 is the result of the
hard work that had the Ministry of Nat-
ural Resources together with NP «Green
standards centre»,
and the
National Association of Builders
(NOSTROY) which also took into ac-
count the experience of the Olympic
corporate «green» standard developed
by State Corporation «Olympstroy».
The document is to be the basis for
a unified nationwide database of na-
tional rating system. This document
is being developed in the framework
of the instructions of the Government
of the Russian Federation. It was the
first comprehensive document to co-
ordinate the interests and needs of
the construction industry with exten-
sive environmental requirements.
The main objective of the National
Standard is setting benchmarks of en-
vironmental requirements in the con-
struction industry for all participants
in the construction process – from
customers and developers to builders.
It is obvious that today the Rus-
sian government is taking its first real
steps in the development of ecologi-
cal construction in Russia. Principles
of State Policy in the field of environ-
mental development of the Russian
Federation for the period up to 2030
approved by the President of Russia.
In my opinion the government
should encourage the use of environ-
mental standards and to create fa-
vourable conditions for a reasoned
application of new technologies and
green investments in construction in
early stage of market development.
I also believe that in the nearest fu-
ture some of green standards will be
mandatory rules and terms of legisla-
tion and from this stand point the e-
facilitate the process.
Fegan Ganbar Alliev,
Professor, President,
International Eco­
energy Academy (IEA)
Green Building is one of important di-
rections of modern urban planning.
It considers all socio-economic and
ecological requirements in both de-
signing and construction of buildings.
Azerbaijan specialists pay great at-
tention on environment protection
and effective utilization of energy re-
sources in all economic spheres in-
cluding exploitation of buildings. This
at the same time meets the interna-
tional requirements of the Republic of
Azerbaijan on UN Framework Conven-
tion on Climate Change and Kyoto Pro-
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