Winter 2013 З Д А Н И Я В Ы С О К И Х Т Е Х Н О Л О Г И Й
to assess the quality of the human en-
vironment of any of the architectural
style. All of them encourage the use of
high technology in architecture, engi-
neering, energy, maintenance, etc.
The task of the magazine is to dissem-
inate knowledge and demonstrate the
best examples of high-tech and green
building trends to show the beauty of
architecture of these buildings.
Some people believe that high tech-
nology is a sign of just foreign con-
struction industry, but those pro-
fessionals who are interested in the
domestic construction can cause a suf-
ficient number of examples of build-
ings of high technology in our coun-
try. The mission of the magazine is to
increase the information content of
the Russian professional society about
domestic successes and achieve-
ments. The second aim of the maga-
zine is the distribution of foreign and
domestic experience among teachers
and students because the success of
high technology in the construction on
large extent depends on the training
of young professionals.
Boris Ivanov,
first deputy of depart­
ment for technical po­
I am pleased to welcome a new e-
magazine and website «Sustainable
Building Technologies». The e-maga-
zine is very timely. This professional
e-magazine with his authority can in-
fluence the development of the con-
struction industry in Russia in the field
of green building. The good news is
that the magazine pays a lot of atten-
tion to technical information on build-
ing processes in Russia. Public Corpo-
ration «Russian Railways» as one of the
leaders in the application of innovative
construction technologies in Russia is
very pleased to interact with the lead-
W. Stephen
What Makes a Building
In 2008, ASHRAE published its first is-
sue of High Performing Buildings mag-
azine with the objective being to win
acceptance of the philosophy that
buildings can be successfully con-
structed and renovated to be energy
efficient, offer productive work envi-
ronments, and have minimal impact
on the surrounding environment and
our global climate. The strategy em-
ployed in the magazine to achieve this
purpose was simple: To provide exam-
ples of buildings that were not only
designed to be high performing but
which actually achieved their design-
er’s – and owner’s – objectives.
Five years later, the seeds of mar-
ket transformation have taken root,
and several factors have become ap-
parent. First is the benefit of integrat-
ed design. To achieve a building that
functions efficiently, in some ways like
a machine, the time has passed when
architects, engineers, contractors, and
suppliers work in isolation, one pro-
fessional handing off work to anoth-
er. The new normal is the team con-
cept, where all voices and perspectives
are melded into one, harmonized to
achieve the desired result. The build-
ing owner is no longer on the outside
waiting to receive a finished product,
but rather the owner’s facility staff are
team contributors, articulating needs
and expectations, and in the process
becoming educated as to what will be
required to prevent the building from
fading from «green» to «grey».
Another factor is measurement.
What defines a high performing build-
ing? Building performance must be
quantitatively assessed in order to de-
termine the success of the design, op-
eration and maintenance. What to
measure, how to measure, and how of-
ten to measure all are questions that
must be answered. It is clear that to
determine the performance of a facil-
ity, energy and water use and indoor
environmental quality need to be ana-
lyzed throughout a building’s service
A third is commissioning. Just as de-
sign is an integrated process, the term
integrated commissioning is now a
post-design reality. All activities of the
building’s operation and maintenance
must be considered and all members
of the design, operation and mainte-
nance teams must be involved.
And of course there is the human fac-
tor. Groups like ASHRAE and ABOK need
to help engineers gain the knowledge to
specify products that employ the latest
technologies and need to design systems
that enable components to work togeth-
er in the most energy efficiency manner.
That is why ASHRAE publishes High
Performing Buildings: To provide
knowledge based on experience and
availability of new technologies. And
that is why ASHRAE cooperates with
ABOK to allow case studies from High
Performing Buildings to be translated
and reprinted in
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