Roadmap of Green Construction in Russia
The event was held as part of the 30th anniversary conference and exhibition “Moscow: problems and methods for enhancement of energy efficiency” – the leading Russian forum on energy conservation.
This topic is very popular today – many events of various formats are dedicated to it. Against this background “Moscow: problems and methods for enhancement of energy efficiency” conference and exhibition plays a special role. This is the site where the deepest, comprehensive and scientifically justified discussion of energy conservation problemsи takes place. The conference is a unique place for communication of scientists, practitioners, representatives of government and business.
The first conference and exhibition took place in 1993. That time it had 350 visitors. This year more than 3 500 requests were submitted by specialists in energy conservation, construction and architecture, building climate control, building thermal physics from nine countries, which confirmed its status of an event of all-Russia significance.
The recent forum covered a wide range of relevant objectives related to development and implementation of new generation energy saving engineering systems for buildings and structures, including secondary energy resources heat recuperation systems, intensified heat exchangers, adaptive ventilation and air conditioning systems, innovative building heating systems, new regulatory documents.
A special place in the forum occupied justification of a complex of engineering solutions that facilitate fulfillment of Resolution of the Government of Russia on saving of 15% of energy by 2016 and 40% by 2020. And from this perspective the Moscow experience in energy efficient buildings construction is indicative. This is the place where significant scientific potential is concentrated, numerous foreign organizations are functioning that offer the latest engineering concepts. Moscow has a modern highly developed production base allowing to resolve objectives in the construction industry of any complexity level.
The Foundation Conference “Roadmap of Green Construction in Russia – Perspectives and Problems” was organized by the Steering Committee formed under the initiative of the Union of Architects of Russia and Russian Association of HVAC Engineers ABOK for green construction promotion in Russia. As a result of the discussion the Russian architects and engineers decided to combine their efforts in this area. The main goals or the meeting were development of draft green construction Roadmap, promotion of ideas and practice of such construction and development of single standards of green construction in the country (more detailed information about national certification systems and Russian green facilities is given in an overview article “Green construction market in Russia”).
The event was attended by 145 representatives of scientific, design and construction organizations, higher education institutions, ministries, departments, public organizations from 32 regions of Russia and neighboring countries. 20 speeches were made during the plenary session and two round table discussions – presentations on the problems with green construction of buildings and structures with high environmental and energy efficiency.
Round tables with participation of leading experts in the industry were dedicated to preservation of national natural resources and development of activities aimed at protection of the environment in Russia. Problems with green construction in various regions of the country were discussed.
The plenary session was opened by Yury Tabunschikov, President of ABOK and co-chairman of the foundation conference. After that speeches were made by Andrey Bokov, President of all-Russia public organization “Union of Architects of Russia” (UAR) and co-chairman of the foundation conference; Victoria Venchikova, Deputy Director at the department of state policy and regulation in environment
protection and environmental safety of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of RF; Ruslan Akiyev, Chief Specialists at the Department of technical regulation of the National Union of Builders (NOSTROY); Alexander Kudryavtsev, President of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Science (RAASN); Alexey Vorontsov, Head of the Main Administration of Architecture and City Planning of the Moscow region; Elena Chuguevskaya, Director of the Department of strategic development and state policy in territorial planning of the Ministry of Regional Development of RF; Alexandra Sytnikova, Head of Moscow general Planning Administration of Moscow Architecture Committee.
The participants accented key objectives of green construction in Russia:
“The objective of improving energy efficiency can be successfully resolved if we combine the efforts of science and industry on the basis of solid legal framework with international cooperation in the area of energy conservation”. Sergey Sobyanin, Mayor of Moscow |
A resolution was adapted based on the conference results that included the following decisions: