Road Map of Green Construction in Russia – Perspectives and Problems
24 OCTOBER 2013
Building of the Government of Moscow (36 Noviy Arbat str.)
– Development of Draft National Roadmap of Green Construction to promote ideas and methods of green construction in Russia.
– Establishment of National Council for promotion of green construction in Russia
Steering Committee for green construction promotion in Russia
Organizing Committee of the Conference:
Chairman of Organizing Committee:
- A.V. Bokov, President of the Union of Architects of Russia (AIR)
Deputy Chairman of Organizing Committee:
- Yu.A. Tabunschikov, President of Russian Association of Engineers for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermal Physics (ABOK)
Organizing Committee members:
M.M. Brodach, Vice-president of ABOK, Professor at Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy)
G.V. Esaulov, Main Scientific Secretary of the Russian State Academy of Architecture and Construction Science
R.A. Ismailov, Director of NP “Center for Environmental certification – GREEN STANDARDS”
N.V. Krivozertsev, General Director of “EcoStandard”
S.V. Krivozertsev, Director of NP “National bureau of environmental standards and ratings of Russia and CIS”
A.L. Naumov, Vice-president of ABOK, General Director OOO “NPO Termek”
O.I. Panitkov, Chairman of the Council of NP “Association of wood house-building”
A.N. Remizov, Chairman of the Committee on eco-sustainable architecture of the Union of Architects of Russia (AIR)
Conference is organized with participation of:
- Union of Architects of Russia (AIR)Executive Directorate:
- Russian Association of Engineers for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermal Physics (ABOK)
General Media-Partner:
"Sustainable Building Technologies" magazine
- “ABOK” magazine
- “Energy conservation” magazine
- “Plumbing” magazine
- newspaper of the Union of Architects of Russia (AIR)
Conference program:
09:00–10:00 Registration of participants
10.00–10.15 Opening of the first Foundation Conference
10.15–11.30 Plenary session:
Green construction in Russia: status and perspectives
A.V. Bokov, President of the Union of Architects of Russia AIR
Problems and solutions in green buildings construction.
Contribution of the National Association of Builders
E.V. Basin, President of National Association of Builders
Scientific support for sustainable development process in architecture and city development
A.P. Kudryavtsev, president of the Russian State Academy of Architecture and Construction Science
Role of environmental education I development of green construction methods
V.I. Telichenko, Rector of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
Housing policy in modern Russia and conservation of energy and resources in the utility sector
G.P. Hovanskaya, Chairman of the Committee on Housing Policy and Utilities of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Development of environment-friendly green construction in the Moscow region. Problems and perspectives
A.R. Vorontsov, Government of the Moscow region Minister of Architecture and City Development
Perspective of green construction in Moscow
S.O. Kuznetsov, Chief Architect of Moscow
Roadmap of Green Construction in Russia
Yu.A. Tabunschikov, President of ABOK
11:30–11:45 Break
11.45–13.45 “Roadmap of Green Construction”. Round table No. 1
A.L. Naumov, Vice-president of of ABOK General Director OOO “NPO Termek”
A.N. Remizov, Chairman of the Committee on eco-sustainable architecture of the Union of Architects of Russia (AIR)
Topics of Round Table:
- Structure and specifics of national rating standards of green construction;
- Methods for education of specialists and training of evaluation experts in the green construction sector;
- Problems of “green” expertise of design concepts and commissioned projects;
- Olympics 2014 in Sochi. Method of evaluation of facilities by environmental friendliness and energy efficiency criteria;
- World Football Cup 2018. “Green” approach to assessment of objects. FIFA requirements;
- Demand for regulation of construction according to “green” standards at eh Federal and Municipal levels.
13.45–14.45 Lunch
14.45–16.45 “Roadmap of Green Construction". Round table No. 2
R.A. Ismailov, Director of NP “Center for Environmental certification – GREEN STANDARDS”
Guy Imz, Executive Director of RUGBC
M.M. Brodach, Vice-president of of ABOK, Professor at Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy)
Topics of Round Table:
- Creation of favorable conditions and efficient tools for implementation of green construction in Russia;
- Establishment of regulatory and legal framework for development of green construction taking into consideration international experience;
- Development of economic stimulation mechanisms for market participants;
- Environmental certification of real estate properties and building materials as efficient tool for implementation of green construction;
- Activity of the professional society. Development of industry standards, proposals and efficient interaction with government authorities.
16.45–17.00 Break
17.00–18.00 Final plenary session
Discussion and approval of Draft National “Roadmap of Green Construction in Russia
A.V. Bokov, President of the Union of Architects of Russia
Yu.A. Tabunschikov, President of ABOK
Discussion and approval of Draft National “Roadmap of Green Construction in Russia”
Marianna Brodach